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Employee Handbook Review

Friday 6 Feb 2015

An article in the Miami Herald highlights recent employment related news here in Florida, as the ruling on gay marriage earlier this year is cause for employers to revisit their employee handbooks and revise company policies. Ideally, the company handbook should be reviewed once a year, and if well-crafted and comprehensive, it can also serve as legal defenses to potential claims.


After Circuit Court Judge Zabel in Miami-Dade County lifted a stay on gay marriage in early January, which held that Florida’s ban on gay marriage was unconstitutional, it’s crucial that employers immediately revisit their company policies, particularly to the areas concerning benefits that pertain to “spouses.”  Whether voluntary or mandatory benefits, they all need to be applied to legally married same-sex spouses in order to avoid any potential dispute from employees.


Employers also should be aware of a claim for “marital status” discrimination, which is prohibited under Florida law. Now that same-sex couples can legally marry, they may be able to raise a claim for marital status discrimination if they feel they have been discriminated against based on their marriage.


You can read more on the topic here:

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